To Chlorinate, or Not to Chlorinate?
This collaborative research between The University of Sheffield and The University of Glasgow will study and model the impact of disinfectant residual strategies on biofilms within Drinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDS).
By developing knowledge and tools to predict pathogen risk across DWDS this research will ensure transition towards minimising chemical and energy use while ensuring water safety and public health, making the best long-term sustainable use of our existing and ageing infrastructure.
Aims & Objectives
To challenge the practice that a disinfectant residual is always the best way to minimise overall public health risk due to microbial processes occurring within DWDS.
To deliver knowledge and tools to determine pathogen risks from biofilms and inform disinfection residual strategies.
World Leading Facilties
The internationally unique, full-scale, environmentally controlled DWDS pipe loop experimental facility at UoS is integral to this project.
Smaller scale field pipe loops that have been developed with Scottish Water and Anglian Water / Severn Trent Water will complement the main facility, covering a range of operational water supply systems.
"This work is critically important to understand the impacts of disinfection regimes on the
behaviour of biofilm within water supply networks."
Drinking Water Inspectorate